Once upon a time I was a fall down, blackout drunk who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. After getting sober, I turned to health and fitness. I had no clue what I was doing, and I was about 50 pounds overweight. I was so sick from years of alcoholism and smoking that I didn't really enjoy working out--it was really difficult for me to find the motivation to keep going.
However, I did keep going. I lost those 50 pounds plus some and I found what works for me and my body. We are all so different and have different needs when it comes to our bodies that there is no "cookie cutter" description for programs for people to follow. I will strive to give you the absolute best program that fits YOUR needs and goals, just like how I found mine.
I'm a sober mother, a soon to be wife, an endurance runner and weightlifter. I'm a very hands on type of person and very thorough, so if we work together plan on me being a big part of your life. I want to work alongside you and guide you not just leave you with a program to work.
I want to share my journey and show others just what their bodies are capable of.
Lets do this together.